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Year Leader - Crestwood Community School

Job Introduction

Crestwood Community School is one school, with two campuses serving central Eastleigh. Our pastoral structure has 300 students per year, with 150 allocated to each campus. There is a Year Leader for each year group, who stays with their year group as they progress through the school, on each campus, taking charge of 150 students. There is close liaison with the Year Leader on the other campus and sharing of resources, such as assemblies. The challenge for the successful applicants will be to ensure effective communication between tutors, the Year Leader at the other campus over cohort progress, assemblies and extra-curricular activities and to manage pastoral support. The teaching allocation is 36 per fortnight out of 50 lessons.

 Key aspects of the role include monitoring and analysing attendance and behaviour trends. Having a holistic view of the year group’s academic progress and challenging underperformance. A fundamental part of the role is around developing good relationships with parents and outside agencies to support children in being able to be the best version of themselves at Crestwood.

We operate a behaviour system via Arbor and this enables Year Leaders to monitor individuals and groups of students. Each Year Leader will undertake an assembly per week with their year groups to ensure pertinent and timely messages are disseminated, this is in addition to one whole school assembly each week. Each Year Leader will have a team of 5 tutors. Tutor time runs from 8.30am - 8.55am each day and consists of a taught behaviour curriculum and PDL/ Wellbeing programme which needs to be monitored regularly for quality. In addition, Year Leaders will regularly review the progress that their students make in the curriculum and give feedback to SLT about trends and particular areas to address.

 As a school we take staff well being seriously. We offer staff the following:

  • wellbeing weeks, with no commitments scheduled after school
  • free lunch every day
  • free tea and coffee
  • half termly cooked breakfasts 
  • accrued inset days, taken as twilights, giving staff an additional 4 days off a year
  • One well-being day per year (during term-time), to be taken at their chosen time (after a qualifying period) 
  • weekly thank you bulletin
  • birthday cards
  • heads discretionary leaves of absence for family events
  • acts of random kindness
  • access to mental health first aiders

 Our Ofsted report from February 2024 stated that at Crestwood “there is a welcoming, friendly atmosphere”.  They also said that “teachers and support staff, including those in the early stages of their career, are proud to work at the school. They particularly value school leader's careful consideration of their workload and well-being so that they can focus their efforts fully on pupils’ education.” In addition, Ofsted report that “many pupils, staff and parents describe the school as a ‘big family’. This is a happy school, where staff and students want to be. The #Crestwoodfamily pervades through everything we do.  

Applications are welcomed from all curriculum areas, though specialism in English, Design and Technology, Languages (French and Spanish), Music, RE, Social Sciences, History or Geography will be particularly welcome. This post offers an exciting career opportunity. You will have the opportunity to achieve significant career development as you prepare for further promotion. 

As a new member of staff you will be well supported: we have a comprehensive induction process, and you will be given an Induction Mentor and a ‘professional buddy’. 

For the successful candidate, a commitment to raising standards and a passion for developing young adults is essential:  this entails a commitment to all learners, to excellence for all, and a belief that a good school makes a significant difference to learners’ life chances, levels of attainment and the wellbeing of the community as a whole.

 We will ensure that the successful candidate has:

  • a comprehensive induction including a dedicated mentor
  • continuous professional learning, development and improvement
  • the opportunity to contribute to raising standards for all our students.

Safer Recruitment

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks.


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