Job Introduction
We currently have exciting opportunities to join the governance board of Shipton Bellinger Primary School.
Our school values its partnership with the local community, which undoubtedly brings great benefits to the children. One of the most significant ways you can help in promoting this is to volunteer to be a governor on our board.
The role of school governor is a very rewarding one and it will enable you to meet new people and to work as part of a team. You will gain new knowledge and skills and will bring a valuable perspective to the work of the board.
Don’t worry if you have no experience as full training and support is available and you will be well supported by your colleagues on the governing body.
Governors do not need to be parents and neither do they need to be education professionals. They just need to be individuals that have an interest in education, who want to give something back to their communities and who are keen to see future generations thrive.
The governing body's main tasks are:
- to ensure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- to hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
- to oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is
well spent.
For children in schools across the county – it is important that there are individuals on our boards who have high aspirations for them. Individuals who want to support school leaders to ensure they receive an excellent education provision, so children are well equipped for their next steps in education and employment.
Governing bodies are more effective when they can draw upon a range of skills, knowledge and perspectives – so diversity in membership is highly desirable.
We feel sure that there are members of our local communities who are prepared to take on this important role and to give their time and commitment to helping us continue to improve the school's performance, also, to play their part in ensuring that our pupils fulfil their aspirations.
We welcome all applications and full training and support will be available to help you develop into the role. This will include in-house mentoring and support, as well as access to external governor training.
If you would like to find out more about this wonderful opportunity, then please call the school office on 01980 843369 to arrange to speak to our Head Teacher or Chair of Governors.
If you would like to apply to join our board, then please visit the link below, stating the school board you are interested in joining:
Please note, that for the protection of children, all governor appointments are subject to an identity and DBS check.
We very much look forward to speaking with you, to receiving your application form and to welcoming you to the Hampshire school governance community.
Safer Recruitment
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks.