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Science Teacher - Crestwood Community School

Job Introduction

Crestwood Community School is one school, with two campuses serving central Eastleigh. We are looking to appoint an enthusiastic and ambitious person as a Teacher of Science from September 2025. 

The department is exceptionally upbeat, forward-thinking, and innovative and one which is cohesive, team spirited and very well led. We are looking for someone who can play an active role in contributing to the already high standards within the department.

This role would suit an experienced teacher or an ECT looking for their first post after qualifying.  A July start is available for a new teacher due to qualify in summer 2025. 

We continue to be a ‘good’ school.  The report stated that at Crestwood “there is a welcoming, friendly atmosphere”.  They also said that “teachers and support staff, including those in the early stages of their career, are proud to work at the school. They particularly value school leader's careful consideration of their workload and well-being so that they can focus their efforts fully on pupils’ education.” In addition, Ofsted report that “many pupils, staff and parents describe the school as a ‘big family’. This is a happy school, where staff and students want to be. The #Crestwoodfamily pervades through everything we do. 

The Science department is a leading department across both campuses. The Achievement Leader of Science is an experienced teacher, school leader, and education advisor. He is working tirelessly to help further improve the teaching and learning that takes place in the department. His vision for the department is that pupils are challenged to gain valuable scientific knowledge, delivered explicitly and expertly by teachers so that pupils can apply and communicate their knowledge and ideas effectively and engage in Science beyond the classroom. 

The department comprises of; an Achievement Leader, three Assistant Achievement Leaders, eight main-scale teachers, and four technicians (one a qualified teacher). They are a welcoming and friendly team and have a strong command of their subject. They are highly professional and dedicated to continually improving their subject knowledge, and sharing best practice. Students enjoy science. You will be joining a team that is committed to continuous improvement in science pedagogy based on cognitive science research. You will also hold regular collaborative training sessions to help develop your areas of expertise. 

The department is housed in five laboratories on each of the Shakespeare and Cherbourg campuses.  All students are taught Science at KS3. KS4 pupils follow the AQA Combined Science course or single sciences. The profile of Science continues to rise and as such plans are in place to offer a GCSE geology to KS4 pupils in September. 

As a new member of staff you will be well supported: we have a comprehensive induction process, and you will be given an Induction Mentor and a ‘professional buddy’. 

For the successful candidate, a commitment to raising standards and a passion for developing young adults is essential:  this entails a commitment to all learners, to excellence for all, and a belief that a good school makes a significant difference to learners’ life chances, levels of attainment and the wellbeing of the community as a whole.

As Head Teacher, I have a clear vision and an absolute determination, alongside my team, to continue to improve even further the provision of education across Eastleigh. 

The Ofsted report states that “Leaders and governors are driven by a strong sense of moral purpose. They are ambitious for pupils’ futures and drive to provide the best opportunities for them.  Staff share these aspirations and are loyal and committed”.  

We care deeply about our school, the staff, the students and the community we serve, we are a school with a heart. We as a school are clear about our improvement agenda and we work cohesively as a school wide team. As this was our fifth consecutive “good” grading it demonstrates that at Crestwood we are continually providing a consistent quality in all we do, against a backdrop of tougher standards and criteria to be judged against.

As a school we take staff well being seriously. We offer staff the following:

  •  well-being weeks, with no commitments scheduled after school
  • free lunch every day
  • free tea and coffee
  • half termly cooked breakfasts 
  • accrued inset days, taken as twilights, giving staff an additional 4 days off a year
  • One well-being day per year (during term-time), to be taken at their chosen time (after a qualifying period) 
  • weekly thank you bulletin
  • birthday cards
  • heads discretionary leaves of absence for family events
  • acts of random kindness
  • access to mental health first aiders

Safer Recruitment

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks.


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